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認識急性腹瀉 Know More About Acute Diarrhea

症狀 Symptoms


Acute diarrhea usually comes with stool of increased water content, volume, and frequency. Bloating and abdominal pain may also occur. Severe case may lead to dehydration and even

治療方法 Treatment

急性腹瀉一般會在一星期內自行痊癒。其實腹瀉是一種警號,屬人體防禦機制的一環,提醒自己腸胃系統出了問題,將體內的病菌及毒素排出體外。腹瀉一般會在 12 至 24 小時內情況就會有改善。所以輕微的腹瀉未必需要服用止瀉藥,讓病菌及毒素排出體外便可。

Acute diarrhea could usually be resolved within a week. Acute diarrhea could be regarded as an alarm to remind us that there are some problems with our digestive system. This normal defensive mechanism in our body helps clear the harmful and toxic bacteria from our body. Acute diarrhea usually improves in 12 to 24 hours. Therefore, it is not a must to take anti-diarrheal medications in mild cases.


When frequency and water content of stool increases, huge amount of water and electrolytes are lost, increasing the risk of dehydration. Therefore, it is crucial to replenish water and electrolytes, for example, by taking oral rehydration salt. Moreover, light food should be considered instead of oily and heavy food even with decreased appetite.

當然如果在某些情況下,如需要坐長途車又較難找到廁所、或較為嚴重如已經腹瀉數十次就可能需要使用止瀉藥如 Loperamide,減少腸道蠕動。此藥不適合 5 歲以下的兒童服用,副作用包括口乾及便秘等。另一常用藥為 Dioctahedral Smectite,能夠保護腸道黏膜,增強黏膜的抵抗能力,適合嬰幼兒使用。

In occasions like long-distance coach and having diarrhea for more than 10 times a day, anti-diarrheal medications may be needed. Loperamide is one of the examples. It works by inhibiting peristalsis but is not recommended for children less than 5 years old. Side effects of Loperamide include dry mouth and constipation. Dioctahedral Smectite works by protecting and strengthening the mucosal layer of digestive tract. It is safe for use in baby use.


The human gastrointestinal tract is colonized by large amount of gut bacteria, which can be divided into “good bacteria” and “bad bacteria”. These bacteria compete with each for colonization. Imbalance of gut bacteria leads to gastrointestinal discomfort such as diarrhea. Taking probiotics to supplement the good bacteria could be considered in diarrhea as they can form a physical barrier to reduce gastrointestinal irritation.


You should consult doctor immediately if you develop symptoms like high fever, stool with blood and mucous, severe dehydration with rapid heartbeat and confusion. Doctors may prescribe antibiotics for severe diarrhea caused by bacteria infection.

預防方法 Prevention

1. 保持個人衛生,如廁後及進食前記得徹底清潔雙手。

2. 精明選擇食物,要徹底煮熟食物(尤其是海鮮貝殼類)。

3. 食物要生熟分開,而且亦要確保食物存放於適合溫度。

4. 外遊時應避開不乾淨的水源,可選擇飲用樽裝水以確保水源乾淨。

1. Wash hands before eating and after toilet.

2. Choose food wisely. Only eat foods that are well
cooked and properly prepared, especially seafood.

3. Separate raw and cooked food. Keep food in
appropriate temperature.

4. Drink water only from safe sources or choose
bottled water when travelling.


Watsons Pharmacy Team


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