調節生活習慣 Living habit 註冊中醫師建議冬季早睡晚起以保陽氣。秋冬宜早睡及保證充足的睡眠時間,以利陽氣潛藏。註冊營養師也提醒大家要多接觸陽光! 利用日光降低褪黑激素水平,把握午飯時間到戶外陽光下走一走,掃走睡意。 In order to retain Yang qi, Registered Chinese Medicine practitioner encourages “sleep early and get up late” in winter. Early sleep and sufficient sleeping time in autumn and winter can help facilitate the retention of Yang qi. Sunlight helps reduce Melatonin level and Registered Dietitian also courage to take sun bath during lunch hour! 揀選適當食材有助醒神 Eat right to stay energize 冬日寒冷的氣温可能影響我們的飲食習慣,令我們偏愛選擇甜食或澱粉質豐富的食品及減少進食富含膳食纖維和維他命的水果,從而令血糖的起伏較大,容易產生睡意。 熱烘烘的白飯或湯麵在冬天時相當吸引,但它們都是醣份高的食物,食用時我們需注意份量,不要因為它們暖笠笠而進食過量。相反,天氣寒冷時我們對冷冰冰的水果可能會興趣大減,但水果中的膳食纖維有助穩定血糖,而且當中多種的維他命有助身體轉化食物中的能量,令我們保持醒神。 Colder and darker winter days may be quietly impacting what we choose to eat! Have a look at your recent food choices; do they contain more sweets or carbohydrates and less fruits & salads? If yes, you may feel tired more easily due to rapid changes of your blood sugar levels. Hot dishes like rice or noodles in broth sound extra delicious in winter time, but those are food packed with carbohydrates. Watch out for the amount you have each time to avoid over consuming when trying to warm yourselves up. Contrary to our preferences, fruits and salads which often served cold, actually provide abundant dietary fiber to stabilize blood sugar levels and vitamins to convert energy in food for our body to use to help us stay energize. 常做穴位按壓 Common acupoints massage
- 百會穴:位於頭頂正中最高點。用食指輕輕按壓穴位,每次10下,每天3次,能提神醒腦。
- 太陽穴:太陽穴位於頭部兩側,眼睛外側的凹陷處。用食指分別輕輕按壓兩側太陽穴,亦可打圈轉動揉按穴位,每次10秒, 每天3次。切忌用力過度,感到酸脹即可,能醒神及紓緩頭痛。
- Baihui(GV20) is located on the head, 5 B-cun superior to the anterior hairline, on the anterior median line. Use the forefinger to lightly massage for about 10 times, thrice a day, which can refresh the mind.
- Taiyang(EX-HN5) is located on the temporal part of the head, in the depression 1 B-cun lateral to the midpoint of the line connecting the outer canthus and lateral end of the eyebrow. Use the forefinger to massage for about 10s, thrice a day. Avoid using excessive force. Just mild soreness will do. This can help relieve headache and refresh your mind.