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你的基因如何,你的日子也必如何?Your Gene, Your Fate?




講起 DNA,相信會令你諗起親子鑑定、犯罪證據或者係基因改造。上述三者聽落好似未必關自己事,但係其實 DNA 同我哋每個人都有密切關係,甚至係主宰我哋嘅人生。


When it comes to DNA, paternity testing, criminal evidence and genetic modification may come into your mind. While these three applications of DNA may be none of our business, DNA is in fact closely related to every one of us. It even dominates our lives.


DNA 存在喺幾乎每個細胞嘅細胞核入面,當中核苷酸嘅排列就決定咗嗰組基因嘅功能,掌控住唔同嘅生理特徵同機能。據估計,人類基因大約有 20,000 到 25,000 組。超過 99% 嘅基因喺所有人身上都係一樣嘅,所以睇緊呢一篇文嘅每一位讀者,都會有大致一樣嘅人體結構,例如係一個鼻同兩隻眼。


DNA is present in the nucleus of almost every cell, in which the sequence of nucleotides determines the function of genes, controlling different physiological characteristics and functions. There are around 20,000 to 25,000 human genes. More than 99% of the genes are the same among us. Therefore, every one of us reading this article will have roughly the same human body structure, such as a nose and a pair of eyes.


而剩低嗰 1% 嘅基因,就令我哋變成獨一無二嘅人。舉個例,單眼皮定雙眼皮、曲髮定直髮,都係由基因決定。除左生理表徵之外,研究亦發現,藥物反應、慢性疾病,甚至乎癌症,都同剩低嗰 1% 嘅基因有關。例如,高血壓及糖尿病都被認為同遺傳因素有關。


The remaining 1% of genes make everyone unique. For example, number of folds of upper eyelid and straightness of hair are both determined by genes. In addition to our physiological manifestation, it has been found that our reactions to drugs, the occurrence of chronic diseases and even cancers can also be related to that remaining 1% of genes. For instance, high blood pressure and diabetes are thought to be associated with genetic factors.




As everyone has different genes, how could we know our unique ones? Genetic testing is the answer! With the advancement of
medical technology, genetic testing no longer needs neither blood taking nor pots of money. On the contrary, only small amount of
salivary samples can produce hundreds of test results. We only need a single test in a lifetime to unlock the secret of our genes.




Genes are inborn, and no one can change it. However, our fate is always in our hands. Through genetic testing, we can understand our body and proactively establish a personalized approach to health care. No matter what your genes are, you are still able to change your days!


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