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寻找屈臣氏门市 Blog

小麥過敏及乳糜瀉 Wheat Allergy & Celiac Disease




小麥過敏是身體對小麥內的蛋白質產生過敏反應。全港大約 3% 人口患有食物過敏,而其中小麥過敏亦為數不少。可能出現的症狀包括出疹、腹痛、脹氣、腹瀉、便秘、嘴腫、喉嚨腫脹,嚴重可令氣管收縮而不能呼吸。唯一避免產生過敏反應的方法是戒吃所有含小麥成份的食品,如麵包、蛋糕、餅乾、早餐穀物、豉油、以小麥釀製的啤酒及醬油等。


Wheat allergy is an allergic reaction occurs when ones are in contact with wheat. There are 3% of people in Hong Kong with different kinds of food allergy; the number of those with wheat allergy is not small. Symptoms can be itchy rash, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, swollen mouth and throat, and difficult breathing. The only way to avoid allergic reaction is to avoid consuming all the wheat-containing products, such as breads, cakes, biscuits, cereals, soy sauce, and wheat beer.


乳糜瀉(Celiac Disease)是一種遺傳性的自身免疫疾病,但除了遺傳因素外,飲食及其他外在環境因素都可以是病發的誘因。患者進食麩質(Gluten)後會令免疫系統攻擊小腸,可致腸道結構受損及發炎,影響營養吸收。估計全球有 1% 人口患有此症。有研究顯示提早讓小寶寶於 4 至 6 個月大接觸麩質,或可減低患乳糜瀉的風險。


Celiac disease is a genetic autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine, affecting nutrient absorption, which may lead to the development of severe diarrhea. Although it is a genetic autoimmune disorder, people with the high-risk gene variations don’t necessary get celiac disease, suggesting that other factors are involved. It is estimated to affect 1% of people worldwide. Some studies showed introduction of gluten to babies as earlier as 4 to 6 months old may reduce the risk of celiac disease.


小麥富含膳食纖維、寡糖、維他命 B、鎂、硒及磷。小麥過敏或乳糜瀉患者宜多吃不同種類的蔬菜水果,如西蘭花、椰菜、洋蔥、紅腰豆、西瓜、白桃等來補充膳食纖維、寡糖及以上提及的營養素,以改善腸道健康及預防營養不足。


Wheat is rich in Vitamin B, dietary fibre, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and oligosaccharides. Thus, to promote intestinal health and prevent nutrient deficiency, those with wheat allergy or celiac disease should have a variety of vegetables and fruits, such as, broccoli, cabbage, onion, red kidney beans, watermelon, and white peach to replenish dietary fibre, oligosaccharides and the aforementioned nutrients while avoiding wheat.




Watsons Dietitian Team


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