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疣與雞眼分不清?Mixing up Wart and Corn?






“Hi pharmacist, I have got something on my skin. It looks like wart, and like corn as well. What is it?”




Many people misunderstand that warts and corns are the same, but they are not.


疣是一種皮膚病,是由一種名為 Human Papillomavirus 的病毒所引起,具傳染性。根據不同的型狀及感染位置,疣可以分為幾種,例如有常見於手指及手掌的尋常疣、生長在腳底的足底疣、常見於臉部的扁平疣、俗稱椰菜花的生殖器疣。


Wart is a skin disease caused by the virus Human Papillomavirus, which is contagious. Depending on the shape and position, warts can be classified into different types, including common warts usually found on fingers and palms, plantar warts on the sole, plane warts on the face and also genital warts.




There are two types of products for warts over the counter, namely medicine with salicylic acid and cryotherapy device. Both of them are only recommended for warts on hands or feet. If the wart is not found on these areas, or you are not sure whether it is a wart or not, you are advised to consult a doctor first instead of treating it on your own.




On the other hand, corns are different from warts as corns are not contagious. Prolonged rubbing between shoes and feet which thickens the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the epidermis, is a major cause of corn.




 If so, it is recommended to choose a suitable pair of shoes with fit size and a pair of thick socks. For medication, solution or ointment of salicylic acid can soften the hard skin. Repeated use of salicylic acid for a period of time can eventually erode the corn. Since salicylic acid is corrosive, moisturizer should be applied on the skin around the corn as a protection, otherwise it may damage the skin around the corn, causing wounds. Because of that, salicylic acid is not recommended for diabetes patients.




Watsons Pharmacy Team




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