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“A Pill Too Hard to Swallow”— Children’s Version






“Hello pharmacist, my son is ill now and doctor has prescribed so many pills. I am afraid that pill swallowing may be too difficult and unpleasant for him. Can I crush them for easier swallowing?”


小朋友病咗,作為家長嘅一定仲擔心過自己病咗。唔少家長都識得冷靜咁帶小朋友去睇醫生,不過,就卻忽略咗用藥嘅安全,一個小心反而令小朋友嘅健康受到威脅。其中最常見嘅問題就係 – 「吞藥丸」。當醫生處方咗藥丸或膠囊時,小朋友一句「媽咪,我吞唔落呀」,家長就無可奈可,唯有將藥丸壓碎或將膠囊嘅藥粉倒出嚟,再混入果汁或牛奶,令小朋友較容易吞。


What’s the simplest solution when faced with a child reluctant or refusing to swallow a pill? Let’s crush it! WRONG! Crushing a pill before swallowing may seem like the logical answer but this move can consequently threaten your child’s health by not only reducing the effectiveness of the medication but also increasing unwanted side effects.




Pills are not created equal. Pills come in all different shapes, colors and sizes, as tablets and capsules. However, these different shapes and forms make pills unique and controls how medicine is absorbed by our bodies to exert their effects.  Although certain pills are safe to crush, many pills will lose their effectiveness completely if they are broken by either crushing the tablets or opening the encasing capsules. Furthermore, the resulting powder is surprisingly unpleasant to the palate. 




Hence, next time your child has trouble swallowing their pills, why not ask your pharmacist whether alternative forms of the same medication are available, for example syrup or chewable forms. Furthermore, our pharmacists can advise you whether you’re the pills are safe to crush before taking.  Swallowing pills is a life skill that each child will learn eventually. May be this will be a good opportunity to teach your child this important life skill.




Watsons Pharmacy Team


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