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寻找屈臣氏门市 Blog

「惹蚊」人士福音:教你挑選驅蚊產品  Must-Read Tips for “Mosquito Magnet”


As summer is approaching, mosquito activity will begin which can trouble us a lot
especially if you are a “mosquito magnet”. Mosquito bites can cause unbearable itchiness and swelling. You must read the following tips to choose a suitable mosquito repellent if you are a “mosquito magnet”!

1.    選用含認可成份的蚊怕水

Choose a Repellent with Approved Ingredient

美國國家環境保護局就建議了以下 4 種安全有效的成分:避蚊胺 (DEET)、派卡瑞丁 (Picaridin) 、檸檬尤加利精油 (Oil of lemon eucalyptus) 或檸檬桉 (PMD) 和 IR3535。 不過,6 個月以上的小童要使用較低濃度的避蚊胺。

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the US has recommended the following 4 safe and effective ingredients: diethyltoluamide (DEET), Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (also known as p-menthane-3,8-diol, or PMD) and IR3535 (Ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate). A lower concentration of DEET should be used for children above 6 months.

2.    DEET 濃度並不等於強度

DEET Concentration Does Not Imply its Strength


Common misunderstanding about DEET is that higher concentration implies a stronger repellent. But it is not true. The fact is that higher concentration of DEET only means a longer duration of action. It is also important to note that repellent should be applied again after sweating or swimming.

3.    防蚊手帶或驅蚊貼不能代替蚊怕水

Mosquito Bracelets and Patches Cannot Replace Mosquito Repellent

至於其他產品如防蚊手帶或驅蚊貼,目前沒有研究證實比以上 4 種成分更有效,所以一般只建議輔助蚊怕水使用。

There is no evidence that other products such as mosquito bracelets and patches are comparable to the above 4 ingredients in terms of efficacy. They are only recommended as an adjunct measure to mosquito repellents.

4.    其他驅蚊建議
Other Advices


Apart from using mosquito repellents, it is recommended to avoid going to places where mosquitos are prevalent. Long sleeve shirts and trousers with light colour can also give us better protection against mosquitos. Mosquito net can be used at home or keep air-conditioned.


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