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你的基因如何,你的日子也必如何?(慢性疾病篇) Your Gene, Your Fate? (Chronic Disease)


講起慢性疾病,會令你諗起咩?高血壓、骨質疏鬆、定係腦退化症呢?慢性疾病,聽落好似遠在天邊,但實際情況值得關注。根據衞生署資料顯示,單單喺 2016 年,就有超過20,000 宗死亡個案同慢性疾病有關。亦有研究發現,部份慢性疾病,例如高血壓及糖尿病,已經有年輕化趨勢。想日後安枕無憂,唔洗擔心患上慢性疾病,就要做足準備,及早預防!

When it comes to chronic diseases, what will come into your mind? High blood pressure, osteoporosis or even dementia? Though chronic diseases usually happen among the elderly, it is worth paying attention to. According to the Department of Health, there were more than 20,000 deaths related to chronic diseases in 2016. In recent years, studies found that, some chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, have shown an increasing trend in younger populations. Is there anything we can do about it?


You may have heard that “Playing mahjong can train up the brain and prevent dementia?”“Drinking more water can make the blood thinner and prevent blood clot?” It sounds plausible but yet to be proven. New trends in
gene testing can definitely help making clear what you could do. More importantly, it has a scientific basis.

基因,存在喺每個細胞入面,掌控住唔同嘅生理特徵同機能。研究指出,患上某啲慢性疾病嘅機會受到基因影響,令部份人患病風險提高。舉個例,擁有基因型 ApoE4 嘅人,日後患上腦退化症嘅風險會較高。又例如,擁有基因型 LDLR 變異嘅人,會有較高風險患上家族性高膽固醇。及早知道自己有無基因型突變,就可以早一步為健康打算,作出預防。

It is found that the risk of getting a certain chronic disease is closely related to genes. For example, the risk of dementia is greatly increased in people with genotype ApoE4. Another example is that the risk of familial hypercholesterolemia is higher in those with LDLR gene mutation. The sooner you understand your genetic profile, the earlier you can take preventive measures for your health.


With the advancement of medical technology, it is now very easy to understand your own genes. Instead of taking your blood, gene testing can be done by simply taking mere amount of saliva sample, which can produce hundreds of results. Do not worry much even if there is gene mutation. You can still maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. Exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet and maintaining healthy weight are the measures that you could take. In addition, there are many health supplements that can help prevent chronic diseases, some of them can even improve the symptoms of brain function decline.


Although chronic diseases can be distressing, we can still take the advantage of gene testing to find out the risk at an early stage. Adjust your lifestyle and take
effective preventive measures. No matter what your genes are, it is never too
late to change your lifestyle for the better!


你的基因如何,你的日子也必如何?(乳癌篇) Your Gene, Your Fate? (Breast Cancer)


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