Place of Origin
Nowadays, people with cardiovascular problems tend to be younger, which has a lot to do with their daily diet and lifestyle habits. Eating too much trans fat is one of the main factors affecting cardiovascular health.
The sticky substance in natto (fermented soybeans) contains an enzyme called "nattokinase" that effectively purifies the blood. It is combined with coenzyme Q10, which can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, onion peel extract, garlic extract and 6 Vitamins are important daily health supplements.
*Nattokinase 4000FU (at the time of manufacture), as a daily high-efficiency blood vessel cleaner.
*Q10 helps unclog blood vessels, doubles heart protection, and maintains heart health.
*Onion extract helps blood vessels remain flexible and flow smoothly.
*Garlic extract promotes immunity, enhances physical strength, boosts spirits, and strengthens health functions
*Relieve fatigue, delay blood vessel aging and promote blood flow.
*Highly effective antioxidant, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids.
* Enhance cardiovascular circulation, help maintain normal levels and eliminate toxins.
*Specially added 6 vitamins (vitamin C, E, B6, B1 and B2), amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids
Product Usage
Bacillus Natto Culture Extract Powder,Dextrin, Garlic Extract, Coenzyme Q10,Sucrose Ester Of Fatty Acid(Emulsifier/Fully Hydrogenated Fat),Quercetin,Vitamin E, Silicon dioxide(Anti-caking agent),Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6,Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Folic Acid (part of the ingredeints contain soybean)
Shipping Information
Pieces per Container
60G (250mg x 240Tablets)
Storage Condition
Avoid direct sunlight and stored in a cool dry place.
Caution :
Not recommended for children
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