教你 4 招,唔洗「越笑越見疤痕」!4 Tips to Treat Your Scars
疤痕,對男士嚟講,可能係魅力嘅象徵。但係對女士嚟講,就係天敵!疤痕輕則影響外觀,重則令你越笑越見疤痕,大大影響自信。所以今天同大家分享 4 招,一齊「去去,疤痕走」!
Scars can be nothing for men but can be enemies for women! Scars may affect your appearance and confidence. Here are 4 tips to help tackle your scars.
1. 正確處理傷口
Proper Wound Care
When the wound is healing, our body produces collagen fibres to fill up the damage, which will eventually form scars. Regular cleaning of wound could reduce the risk of bacterial infection, preventing it from further damage and thus minimize scarring.
2. 除疤前確保傷口完全癒合
Make Sure Your Wound Is Completely Healed Before Scar Treatment
Besides proper wound care, make sure the wound is completely healed before applying any scar treatment products, or else it will hinder the healing process.
3. 選用含矽膠成分嘅產品
Choose Silicone Gel for Treatment
Silicone gel provides a better environment for scars to heal, making them look lighter and prevent excessive growth. Silicone ointments or sheets are recommended for topical treatment as it can reduce the skin tension around the scars, thus help flatten the scars.
4. 除疤需要耐性
Patience Can Make A Difference
All methods of scar treatment can never completely remove the scars. They are used to make the scars less noticeable. It takes around 2 to 3 months to achieve noticeable improvement. The earlier the treatment starts, the better the effect will be.
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