果欄中的「江湖郎中」 The miracles of fruits
In the past, “Jianghu Langzhong” referred to the folk Chinese medicine practitioners, such as BianQue, HuaTuo. We are not going to talk about neither their history nor their legend now. Instead we are going to introduce the “Jianghu Langzhong” in the fruit market, with their nutrition and curative effect in Chinese medicine practitioners’ view.
<香蕉 Banana>
Cold in nature. Sweet. It can clear heat, help loosen the bowels and relieve constipation, detoxify and relieve pain. It is suitable for people who are prone to hemorrhoids, bleeding after defecation and swollen gums.
<西瓜 Watermelon>
Cold in nature. Sweet. It can promote fluid production and relieve thirst, relieve summer heat and promote diuresis, clear heat and eliminate irritability. If you are prone to aphthous ulcers and throat irritation, you may consider having more watermelons. Note that those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach, prone to diarrhea should eat less.
<梨 Pears>
屬甘涼之品,入肺、胃經,主要有生津潤燥,清熱化痰之效。梨是比較"大路"的水果,生食適合「熱底人士」; 如「寒底人士」也可用梨來入饌,煮湯、糖水,可以中和涼寒之性。
Cold in nature. It can promote fluid production and relieve dryness, clear heat, reduce phlegm. Stewed or steamed pears can reduce its coldness.
<枇杷 Loquat>
Sweet, sour and cool in nature. It has the effect of moistening the lungs and quenching thirst, relieving cough and phlegm. It is a seasonal fruit and is more easily found in summer.
Watsons Chinese Medicine Team