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口罩大比拼!Get a suitable mask!






The recent flu season and the spread of the novel coronavirus have heightened the awareness of public hygiene. How can we choose a suitable mask to protect ourselves?


1. 棉布/ 紗布/ 聚氨酯口罩
Cotton / gauze / polyurethane mask


– 能夠阻隔較大粒子,例如花粉同灰塵

– 無法阻隔微粒,唔能夠過濾細菌病毒

– 適合預防花粉症或打掃用,唔可以預防傳染病


-Can block large particles such as pollen and dust

-Cannot block small particles and filter bacteria and viruses

-Used for cleaning work, suitable for prevention of hay fever but not infectious diseases


2. 手術口罩
Surgical mask


– 標準手術口罩分為三層,外層隔水隔塵,中層過濾大部分微粒,內層比較柔軟,吸收汗水同油脂

– 一般可以阻隔90%以上6微米嘅微粒,濾菌率可達95%以上

– 能夠抵擋飛沫入面嘅細菌同病毒

– 適合患病時或預防疾病使用


– A standard surgical mask is divided into three layers. The outer layer blocks water and dust, while the middle layer filters most of the particles. The inner layer is softer and absorbs sweat and grease.

-Can block more than 90% of 6 micron particles in general, and the bacteria filtration rate can reach more than 95%

-Can prevent spreading of bacteria and virus by blocking droplets and fluid

-Suitable for illnesses and prevention of diseases


3. N95口罩 N95 respirator


– 同手術口罩一樣,分為三層

– 可以過濾95%以上0.3微米以下嘅微粒,抵擋空氣傳播嘅細菌病毒

– 透氣較差,容易引起呼吸困難,頭痛等,唔適合長時間配戴

– 用於特殊場合,例如接觸高傳染性病人等,否則唔建議使用


-Divided into three layers like surgical masks

-Can filter more than 95% particles with size less than 0.3 micron if worn properly, blocking airborne bacteria and viruses

-Poor ventilation, may lead to breathing difficulties, headaches, etc., not suitable for long-term wearing

-Recommended for healthcare staff involving in high risk procedures, such as contacting highly infectious patients




In summary, surgical masks are good enough for daily prevention of bacterial and viral infections. Wearing the mask correctly is of utmost importance. The colored side of the mask should face outwards while the side in white should face inwards. The metallic strip should mold to the bridge of the nose to ensure the effective




Watsons Pharmacy Team


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