養生攻略 The “walkthrough” of keeping healthy
There are walkthroughs not only for playing games, but also for staying healthy.
Just as the attributes of each game character are different, Chinese Medicine believes that each of us has different constitutions. According to the “Chinese Medicine Constitution Classification Standards” (《中醫體質分類判定標準》) issued by the China Association of Chinese Medicine (中華中醫藥學會) in 2009, there are nine types of constitutions, including constitution of yin-yang harmony, constitution of qi asthenia, constitution of yang asthenia, constitution of yin asthenia, constitution of phlegm-dampness, constitution of damp-heat, constitution of blood stasis, constitution of qi stagnation and allergic constitution.
Knowing your own constitution can help you understand more about your physical condition and the health problems that you are prone to. You can therefore modulate your body, refine your daily routines, diet and exercise, through traditional Chinese Medicine, to strengthen the healthy qi, and prevent diseases.
雖然體質有不同,但每個人都有相同的養生不二法門,中醫界最權威的攻略《黃帝內經》裡就有提到: 「法於陰陽,和於術數,食飲有節,起居有常,不妄作勞」
Although our constitutions are different, each of us shares the same method of staying healthy. The most authoritative book of the Chinese Medicine, “Huangdi Neijing”, mentions “Modelling (behaviour) on yin and yang, complying with the arts and the calculations. Moderate eating and drinking. Regular rising and resting.Not taxing with meaningless work.”
1. 法於陰陽,和於術數:要順著自然界的陰陽,四季,晝夜變化來調理自己,還要合理地運用養生的方法
Modelling (behaviour) on yin and yang, complying with the arts and the calculations: To follow the natural yin and yang, four seasons, changes of day and night, to regulate themselves and maintain a healthy life with reasonable methods.
Moderate eating and drinking: Diet should be moderate and remember not to starve or overeat.
3. 起居有常:生活要有規律,良好的生活習慣,不要捱夜
Regular rising and resting: To live a regular life with good habits. Do not stay up late.
4. 不妄作勞:不要過份地去操勞,包括勞力、勞心、房勞三方面。要有勞有逸,勞逸結合;身體和頭腦都要按時休息,注重養生;節制「房事」,不要過份消耗精力
Not taxing with meaningless work: Do not overwork physically or mentally. It is necessary to balance work and leisure time. Control the frequency of sexual activities in order not to consume too much renal essence.
Watsons Chinese Medicine Team