【熱敷】 改善腰部 血液循環 |
將熱敷包或暖毛巾放喺腰或下腹等疼痛部位嘅內衣上,透過長時間保暖,促進血液循環,對改善不適症狀相當有效。但留意返,最好避免束縛性大嘅低腰短裙同緊身牛仔褲,否則會阻礙血液循環。 |
【戒口】忌食太冷太鹹 |
太冷嘅飲食會令腹部受寒,骨盤瘀血更嚴重,加劇經痛。而太鹹嘅飲食會令水腫情況更嚴重,經期時一定要避免。應該多食含豐富鐵質嘅食物,例如葡萄乾、紅豆、豬肝、紅棗等,幫助身體製造血液。 |
【用藥】 適當用藥 減緩疼痛 |
如果經痛狀況十分嚴重,不妨根據藥劑師指示底下用藥控制,例如Paracetamol等。但若服藥後經痛或其他不適症狀仍持續,就最好盡快求醫,因為經痛都有可能係其他病症嘅潛伏警號。 |
【服食保健品】 舒緩經期不適 |
如果反覆出現經期不適,可以咨詢藥劑師,根據個人需要選擇合適嘅保健品,如維他命B6及月見草油等,減少經期不適嘅問題。但若然情況嚴重,就要咨詢醫生,根據指引下或會考慮處方定期嘅荷爾蒙藥丸,助你調經。 |
Millions of women around the world suffer from period pain every month. It’s that time of the month when your cramps and back pain descends in full and living color. You’re in pain, cranky and irritable. You want to eat everything in sight and curl up into a warm bed. The pain can be intense spasms or dull pain that severe enough to interfere with your daily activities. If you are struggling with all these, here are some self-help measure to try and relief the most
1. Heat therapy |
Apply heat pack or warm towel to your lower abdomen and back. Heat therapy works by relaxing the muscles of the uterus, promoting blood circulation and easing pain. It is best to avoid tight jeans and tight skirt; otherwise, it will hinder the blood flow. |
2. Cut down your salt intake |
Cold food diet may affect the abdomen area that causing poor blood circulation and blood stasis in the pelvic area, which intensify the period cramps. Also, your hormones go out of whack during your cycle and cause fluid retention. Hence, bloating can be severe during the menstrual period. Reduce your salt intake and try to include iron rich foods such as raisins, red beans, pork liver, red dates etc in your diet to increase the absorption of iron, which is an essential element for blood |
3. Medication Relief |
For severe menstrual pain, try an over-the-counter painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen with pharmacist instructions. These medicines can help make the cramps less severe. However, if the symptoms of menstrual pain or other discomfort persist after taking the painkiller, it is best to seek medical advice as soon as possible,because menstrual pain may be a hidden alarm for other diseases. |
4. Supplements that relieve |
If you have recurrent discomfort during the menstrual period, you can consult a pharmacist to advice you the appropriate supplements according to your individual needs. Vitamin B6 and evening primrose oil have been used to reduce menstrual discomfort. However, if the condition is getting severe or your normal pattern of periods changes, you should consult your doctor and the doctor may consider the contraceptive pills to ease period pain and regulate menstruation because it thins the womb lining and reduces the amount of prostaglandin your body releases. |