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塊面紅卜卜,等於氣色好?Is Flushing Face a Sign of Cuteness?






“Hello Pharmacist, my mum’s face is always flushed. Does that mean a good blood circulation?”


塊面紅卜卜,其實可能係皮膚出現咗問題!有機會患上一種慢性皮膚病-玫瑰痤瘡。呢種病通常見於30 – 50歲嘅女士。玫瑰痤瘡嘅成因未明,但係有部分研究顯示可能同遺傳有關係喔。


A flushing face may imply a chronic skin condition called rosacea. It is commonly seen in women aged 30 to 50. Though the exact cause of rosacea is still unknown, some studies found that it may be associated with hereditary factor.




Rosacea is classified by the National Rosacea Society from the US into four subtypes, which are erythematotelangiectatic rosacea, papulopustular rosacea, phymatous rosacea and ocular rosacea. Presentation of the subtypes is different, and some patients may suffer from more than one subtype. Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea is the most common subtype, in which the area around cheek and nose of the patients turn red due to dilatation of the facial blood vessels. Patient with papulopustular rosacea may have acne-like abscess on face. It may also affect the eyes, causing redness and inflamed eyelids.




Symptoms of rosacea may be recurring. Although there is no cure to rosacea, it can still be controlled by lifestyle modification. Patients should avoid factors that
trigger rosacea, such as UV light, stress, hot weather and spicy food. Medication can also be used to relieve the symptoms. Metronidazole is a topical medicine that can be purchased at pharmacy under supervision of pharmacist. For severe case, oral antibiotic may be prescribed by doctor to control the condition.




Watsons Pharmacy Team


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