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牛奶蛋白過敏 vs. 乳糖不耐症 Cow’s Milk Allergy vs. Lactose Intolerance




牛奶過敏是身體對牛奶中一種或多種的蛋白產生過敏反應,是最常發生於嬰幼兒的一種食物敏感。在香港大約有 8% 兒童對牛奶蛋白過敏,而嬰兒對牛奶蛋白過敏的情況更為常見!可能出現的症狀包括濕疹、紅腫、腹瀉、嘔吐,甚至大便有血等。被確診有牛奶蛋白敏感的寶寶可選用深度水解蛋白配方及元素配方。另外,母乳本身不含牛奶蛋白致敏原,所以當全母乳寶寶出現過敏徵狀時,建議先評估母乳媽媽的飲食,並作出相應調節。


Cow’s milk allergy is an allergic reaction occurs when ones are in contact with cow’s milk protein. It is one of the most common food allergies in infants. There are about 8% of children in Hong Kong who have cow’s milk allergy, with higher incidences in infants. Symptoms can be eczema, redness, diarrhea, vomiting and bloody stool. Extensively hydrolysed formula and elemental formula are suitable choices for those with cow’s milk allergy. Breast milk doesn’t contain cow’s milk allergens naturally, but allergens can pass into milk from mothers’ diet. If an exclusively breastfed baby is showing signs of allergy, mother’s diet should be assessed and adjusted accordingly.




Lactose intolerance, commonly occurs in adults, means the body cannot efficiently digest lactose, a type of natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. Undigested lactose is directly metabolized by colonized bacteria, causing uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea, but these symptoms are not caused by an overactive immune system. Milk and dairy products are good sources of calcium. Thus, to supplement calcium, those with cow’s milk allergy or lactose intolerance are recommended to include an adequate amount of dark leafy vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli), calcium-fortified soymilk, sardines etc. in their diet.




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