早餐對小孩子健康成長的重要性 Importance of a healthy breakfast for your children
Breakfast is essential for the health of growing children. A healthy breakfast can:
– 協助提供每日所需的營養,供給我們能量來應付一天的活動,幫助身體健康成長
– 提升專注力及,幫助腦部發展,增加學習能力
– 有不少研究顯示,吃早餐的兒童比沒有兒童的學生表現更好
– 避免吃零食,防止肥胖
– 一些研究證實,不吃早餐的學童比吃早餐學童更容易增重
– Provide the nutritional requirement to support our daily activities and growth
– Helps with concentration, brain development and learning abilities
– Studies have consistently shown that children who eat breakfast perform better academically than those who don’t
– Helps maintain a healthy weight, prevent snacking later on the day
– Studies show that students who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight/obese
1. 穀物類(建議多選擇全麥穀類)
2. 蛋白質,如蛋、芝士、肉
3. 奶類或奶類代替品
4. 蔬菜或水果類
A healthy breakfast should include the following food groups:
1. Grains (especially whole grains)
2. Protein e.g. cheese, meat, egg
3. Dairy (or other milk alternatives)
4. Fruits/vegetables
Watsons Dietitian Team