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學識 5 招,無死角防癌!Ace the 5 Tips and You are ‘Cancer-Proof’!

癌症,對於任何人來說都是相當可怕的疾病。但原來,有研究指出,良好的生活飲食習慣及適當的運動對於預防癌症有很大幫助。今天就為大家簡單總結防癌 5 招!

Cancer is a horrible disease to everyone. However, studies have shown that good diet and regular exercise can help in preventing cancers. Here are 5 ways to prevent cancers for all of you!

1. 保持良好體重
Weight Management


Studies have shown that overweight and obesity increases the risk of cancer. Therefore, it is ideal to keep the Body-Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5 and 22.9 and exercise for half an hour every day, such as jogging. Also, high-sugar, high-fat and high-calories food should be avoided such as soft drinks, deep fried foods and desserts.

2. 避免進食精製和醃製食品
Avoid Eating Refined and Preserved Foods


Marinated meats contain nitrates, which are converted into carcinogenic substances in the body and hence increase risk of cancer. Moreover, long-term overeating of foods containing high salt can also increase the risk of stomach cancer.

3. 進食適量蔬菜
Eat Sufficient Vegetables


Eating green vegetable such as broccoli, eggplant, carrot, which contain vitamins and minerals, can help strengthen immunity. Cellulose can also maintain gastrointestinal health and reduce the risk of waste and toxin staying in the intestine.

4. 減少飲酒
Drink Less

任何酒精類飲品(包括紅酒、烈酒和啤酒等),以每份 10-15 克酒精計,男士每天不應攝取多於兩份,女士則不多於一份。孕婦及兒童應忌飲用。

Any alcoholic beverages (including red wine, spirits and beer) should not be consumed more than two units a day for men and one unit a day for women, taking alcohol unit as 10g to 15g. Pregnant women and children should avoid drinking.

5. 餵哺母乳


Breast-feeding can effectively prevent breast cancer in women. Baby should be breast-fed until 6 months old and then supplemented with other foods.


Watsons Pharmacy Team


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