-Suitable for children with infantile convulsion and phleg-heat accumulated inside the body, disquieted heart spirit.

Place of Origin
Hong Kong
Tranquilizing and setting convuision, eliminating sputum and removing toxic material, clearing the liver, improving eyesight and promoting skin beauty.
Suitable for children with infantile convulsion and phleg-heat accumulated inside the body, disquieted heart spirit.
Product Usage
Infant under 6 months old: Half bottle to be taken, 2 times daily with warm water.
6 months to 2 years old: 1 bottle to be taken, 2 times daily with warm water.
Margarita 100%
Shipping Information
Pieces per Container
10 bottles
Storage Condition
Store in a dry place at room temperature.
People with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency should avoid using this product.
Precautions: People with Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency should avoid using this product.
Registration Number: HKC-00108
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