A parent’s greatest wish is to see their children grow up well and strong – that’s why parents are often concerned about their child’s physical development, especially height! Traditional wisdom believes that “eating more, jumping more” is the key to growing taller. Nowadays, scientific research has identified other factors equally important for increasing height – let’s have our Watsons Dietitians and Chinese Medicine Practitioners give us an in-depth analysis.

五穀類 – 是主要能量來源。全穀物類的五穀能額外提供維他命B雜、E、礦物質及膳食纖維。
蛋白質 – 是成長的主要原材料。除了動物性蛋白質如豬、牛、雞、魚、蛋外,豆類及其製品都含豐富的蛋白質。
蔬菜/水果 – 是飲食中多種維他命、礦物質及膳食纖維的主要來源
奶類及其製品 – 是飲食中鈣質的主要來源。鈣質能支持骨骼生長,是發育中不可或缺的。
The body continues to grow from birth until puberty, so getting enough energy, vitamins and minerals during this time is especially important. A balanced diet provides all required nutrients to promote all-round growth and development. To achieve this, it is important to include a variety of foods in diet from the below food groups:
Grains – are the main source of fuel. Whole grains provide higher amounts of B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals and dietary fiber.
Protein – is an essential nutrient for growth. In addition to animal sources of protein such as pork, beef, chicken, fish and egg, soybeans and soy food products are also high in protein.
Vegetables/fruits – are great sources of various vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber in diet.
Dairy and dairy alternatives – is a great source of calcium in diet. Calcium is important for growing children as it helps support bone development.
Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurturing after birth, the source of qi and blood, and the dominance of muscle, so the children should keep the spleen and stomach healthy, in order to be full of qi and blood, and grow up rapidly. In addition to a balanced diet, ingredients such as Chinese yam, lotus seeds, and Gordon Euryale can be added to daily meals.

註冊營養師指出,定期運動可以刺激生長激素(Human Growth Hormone)分泌,而且運動種類不應局限於跳躍,不論是帶氧、肌肉訓練或伸展運動都對成長有正面的影響,
Exercise and Physical Activity
Our registered dietitians suggest that regular physical activity can help stimulate the release of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Exercises should not be limited to only jumping or rope skipping; different types of workouts (including aerobic exercises, resistance training, and stretching exercises) all have positive impact on growth. Below are some examples:
Aerobic exercises: running/ jogging, swimming, rope skipping, cycling;
Resistance training: sit-ups, push-ups;
Stretching exercises: yoga.
Chinese medicine advocates the mean between things, appropriate type and amount of exercise should be chose. Children can play games as a form of exercise to build up muscle. The right amount of exercise can promote blood circulation and strengthen bones.

充足睡眠同樣可以刺激生長激素,睡眠不足會減慢成長速度。家長們記得要為小朋友培養良好作息習慣,確保足夠睡眠時間。The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) 建議每日的睡眠時數如下:
Adequate sleep can also increase HGH levels; on the other hand, lack of sleep may stunt growth. Parents should help their young ones to develop healthy sleep habits in order to get enough rest. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) suggests the following recommendations for appropriate sleep durations:
0-3個月months old |
每日14-17小時 hours per day |
4-11個月months old |
每日12-15小時hours per day |
1-2歲years old |
每日11-14小時hours per day |
3-5歲years old |
每日10-13小時hours per day |
6-13歲years old |
每日9-11小時hours per day |
14-17歲years old |
每日8-10小時hours per day |
18-25歲years old |
每日7-9小時hours per day |
26-64歲years old |
每日7-9小時hours per day |
65歲或以上years old and above |
每日7-8小時hours per day |
屈臣氏健康團隊 – 註冊中醫師、營養師及藥劑師為大家提供專業的健康諮詢服務及治療,全方位關懷守護你們的健康,日後將有更多實用健康貼士分享,請繼續留意我們,並隨時預約我們的健康團隊諮詢為健康增值。
The Best Support for Kids’ Growth
Our Watsons Health Team including Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Dietitians and Pharmacists, are available for providing professional consultations and treatments to look after your health. We’d keep you updated, so please stay tuned and feel free to make a booking for our health service.
屈臣氏註冊營養師服務: https://www.watsons.com.hk/DietitiansService
屈臣氏註冊中醫師服務: https://www.watsons.com.hk/chinesemed
屈臣氏註冊藥劑師服務: https://www.watsons.com.hk/HEHAService
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