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認識「疥瘡」 Know more about Scabies






Scabies is a skin disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, which is a small parasite that burrows into, resides and reproduces in human skin. The eggs and the discharges of mites will cause itchiness. It affects people of all ages and usually spreads through direct skin contact with an infected person. Clothing and bedding contaminated by an infected person may also carry the mites or eggs and transmit the disease. It can spread rapidly in crowded conditions like child-care facilities and elderly homes.






The most common symptom of scabies is intense itchiness, which is more severe at night or after a bath. Rashes or thread-like lesions may also be seen on the skin. The commonly affected areas are finger webs, wrists, elbows, armpits,nipples, lower abdomen, external genitalia, buttocks and shoulder blades. Incubation period is about 2 to 6 weeks for people with new infestation. For people who have previously been infested with scabies, symptoms develop sooner, usually within 1 to 4 days after re-exposure.






To cure scabies, it’s essential to kill the mites and its egg completely. Permethrin lotion is an effective topical medication for the treatment of scabies. Apply the lotion thoroughly a bedtime to all body parts from the head to the soles of the feet and leave the medication on for 8 to 14 hours, then wash off completely. Apply again after 7 days.




After killing the mites, the itchiness might persist for few weeks. Infested person can take the drowsy oral antihistamine at night and apply the topical antihistamine cream Crotamiton. Rub the cream into the affected area 2 to 3 time daily until the itching has subsided. Infested person can also use topical steroid cream for rashes and itchiness under the instruction of pharmacists or doctors.




Apart from using medication, to kill the mites and its eggs, the clothing, towels and bed linen of the infested persons should be washed separately in hot water at 60°C or above for not less than 10 minutes. Place non-washable items in a sealed plastic bag for at least 14 days before reuse so to let the mites to die naturally. Clean shared use equipment and devices with detergent before using on other persons.




As scabies is an easily transmitted disease, infested person should be isolated and family members should also receive treatment.




Watsons Pharmacy Team



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