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尋找屈臣氏門市 Blog



Find the Right Sunscreen and Have Fun with the Lovely Sunshine!




我們接觸到的紫外線主要來自太陽,紫外線可按其波長分為 UVA、UVB 及 UVC 三種,當中 UVC 已被臭氧層阻隔,不會到達地面。平時曝曬後會出現紅、痛等曬傷的徵狀,便是由 UVB 引起的。雖然 UVA 不會引起曬傷的問題,但卻會損害真皮層,加速皮膚老化,令皮膚變得粗糙、失去彈性及出現皺紋。


The sun is the main source of ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure in humans. UV radiation can be divided into UVA, UVB and UVC, depending on the frequency. Among the 3 types of UV radiation, UVC is blocked by the ozone layer and cannot reach the ground. UVB is the one that causes symptoms of sunburn such as redness and pain. Although UVA would not cause sunburn, it would damage the dermis, accelerate skin aging, increase skin roughness, wrinkles and decrease skin elasticity.


巿面上的防曬產品五花八門,選擇前要先了解防曬產品的特性。防曬產品一般使用 SPF 作為防曬能力的指標。SPF 全名為 Sun Protection Factor,代表產品對抗 UVB 的能力。一些產品以高 SPF 值為賣點,但是高 SPF 值的產品,當中防曬成分的濃度會較高,較易阻塞毛孔,引起過敏的機會較大。建議一般使用指數至少達 15 的產品,如需要在曝曬的環境下活動,應考慮使用指數達 30 至 50 的產品。


There are many different sunscreen products available in the market. It is essential to be familiar with the characteristics of each product before your purchase. Sunscreen products generally use Sun Protection Factor (SPF) as an indicator of sun protection ability. SPF represents the ability of sunscreen against UVB. Some products claim to have high SPF as their selling point. However, products with higher SPF might have higher concentration of sun protection chemicals, therefore increasing the risk of allergic reactions, resulting in pores blockage. It is recommended to use products with SPF at least 15. If you need to be exposed in outdoor and sunny environment, it is recommended to apply sunscreen with SPF of 30 to 50.


防曬成分可分為化學性防曬及物理性防曬兩類,大部分防曬產品都會有這兩類成分。化學性防曬成分透過吸收紫外線防曬,例子包括 Oxybenzone、Avobenzone,此類成份屬油溶性,會較油膩,較大機會引起過敏。另外物理性防曬成分可反射紫外線,例子包括 Titanium dioxide、Zinc oxide,好處是較少機會引起過敏,所以如果本身皮膚比較敏感,可以選擇只含物理性防曬成分的防曬產品。


Sunscreens can be divided into chemical sunscreens and physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens, such as Oxybenzone and Avobenzone, work by absorbing UV radiation. These ingredients are oil-soluble and therefore increase the risk of allergic reactions. Physical sunscreens, such as Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, work by reflecting UV radiation. Compared to chemical sunscreens, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions. Therefore, if you have sensitive skins, you can choose sunscreen products with physical sunscreen as the only ingredients.




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