4 Tips to Recover Better from Sport Injury
相信「拗柴」,即係足踝扭傷,唔少人都不幸試過。但唔知大家對處理方法又清唔清楚呢?適當同及時處理扭傷對受傷位置癒合,同往後嘅治療有很大嘅幫助。想無「手尾」,要記住R、I、C、E 急救四部曲:
Ankle spraining is a very common condition of sport injury, especially in sports fan. But do you really know the right method to treat it? Treating the injured area with the appropriate and timely method can greatly improve recovery. Here is the “RICE” principle for you!
R – Rest 休息
Rest the injured parts much as possible. It can prevent bleeding and swelling of the affected area.
I – Ice 冰敷
Apply ice on the affected site to soothe the pain. It can also lower the temperature of the affected area to cause constriction of blood vessels, preventing it from swelling.
C – Compression 壓迫
Compress the affected area with elastic bandage. It can prevent the accumulation of tissue fluid to reduce inflammation.
E – Elevation 抬高
Elevate the affected part. It can improve blood circulation and prevent bruising.
It normally takes weeks to recover from sport injury. If inflammation persists or worsens, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to control the symptoms of inflammation, including redness, swelling, warmth and pain. As anti-inflammatory drugs usually induce stomach upset, patient with history of stomach ulcer should take the drugs under supervision of doctor or pharmacist. Apart from this, pregnant women,patient taking anti-coagulants and patient with renal disease should avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Always ask your doctor or pharmacist first before taking any drugs.
Watsons Pharmacy Team