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Breastfeeding can be challenging, breastfeeding moms not only concern about the quality of their breastmilk, but also the quantity they produced. Since babies’ health and growth are related to the nutrients and volume of breastmilk available, preparing meals that support the production of nutritious and plentiful breastmilk is one of the best gifts families can give.


母乳媽媽營養湯水 – 海帶豆腐蜆肉湯

Nutritious recipe for breastfeeding mom – seaweed tofu clam soup
Iodine is a nutrient that plays an important role in brain and bone development in infants, and therefore breastfeeding moms have a 65% higher need in iodine intake to ensure exclusively breastfed babies are getting adequate iodine. Registered dietitians recommend breastfeeding moms to include food that are good sources of iodine, for examples, sea fish, seafood (mussels, clams, shrimps…etc.), egg yolks, milk and dairy products, to support an adequate intake. However, it is not always the more the better, having too much iodine can interfere with thyroid function, so food such as seaweed which has a high iodine content should be limited to once a week.


乾海帶絲 100克
豆腐 1磚,切粒
蜆 300克
水 5碗
薑 2-3片,切絲
鹽 少許
胡椒粉 適量

Ingredients (serve 4):

100g dried seaweed
1 block tofu, diced
300g clams
5 cups water
2-3 pieces ginger, shredded
Pinch of salt
Pepper to taste


1. 蜆用清水搓揉洗淨後,浸泡在鹽水中1-2小時(每公升水放約4茶匙鹽)。待吐沙後,瀝乾。
2. 海帶浸在清水20分鐘至軟身,瀝乾。
3. 將5碗水煮滾後,放入薑絲及海帶,以小火煮10分鐘。
4. 放入豆腐,繼續煮2分鐘。
5. 轉大火,放入蜆肉煮至開口後,加入鹽及胡椒粉調味,即成。

1. Scrub and wash clams thoroughly. Cover clams with salt water solution of 4 teaspoons salt to 1 liter water. Let clams sit in the water for 1-2 hours and then drain.
2. Cover seaweed with water and let it sit for 20 minutes until soften, and then drain.
3. In a medium pot, bring 5 cups of water to boil over high-heat and then add ginger and seaweed. Simmer it over low-heat for 10 minutes.
4. Add tofu and continue to simmer for another 2 minutes.
5. Turn up to high-heat and add clams to the pot, cook until clams are open. Add salt and pepper. Enjoy!

母乳媽媽營養食譜 – 芝士菠菜雞肉焗長通粉

Nutritious recipe for breastfeeding mom – cheesy spinach chicken penne
Breastfeeding moms have a higher folate need than others. Registered dietitians recommend breastfeeding moms to include dark green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, in their diet to support an adequate folate intake. Spinach is a good source of folate, since one cup of cooked spinach provides 25% of daily folate need of a breastfeeding mom.


材料 (2人份):
長通粉 1杯 (約100克)
嫩葉菠菜 2杯 (約60克)
雞柳(切片) 4條 (約160克)
車厘茄(切半) 10粒
新鮮羅勒(切碎) 1湯匙
蒜蓉 1/2湯匙
茄膏 1湯匙
較低脂芝士 2-3片


Ingredients (serve 2):
1 cup (100g) penne
2 cups (60g) baby spinach
4 pieces (160g) chicken tender, sliced
10 cherry tomatoes, halved
1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped
1/2 tablespoon garlic, minced
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2-3 slices reduced fat cheese

1. 將焗爐預熱至攝氏190度。
2. 長通粉依照包裝上的指示煮熟,備用。
3. 嫩葉菠菜加入大碗中,加熱水。待菠菜燙熟後,瀝乾備用。
4. 用中火燒熱易潔鑊,加少許油,加入蒜蓉碎後轉小火。蒜蓉炒香後轉中火,加入雞柳片、羅勒、車厘茄及茄膏,炒勻。熄火後,加入菠菜,拌勻。
5. 把長通粉裝入耐熱容器,鋪上芝士,放進焗爐焗10-12分鐘 (或直至芝士呈金黃色),即成。


1. Preheat oven to 190 °C (or 375 °F)
2. Cook penne according to the instructions on its package.
3. In a large bowl, cover baby spinach with hot water and then drain.
4. Heat oil in a medium pan over medium heat, add garlic and turn down to low heat. Cook until garlic is fragrant, turn up to medium heat and add chicken tender, basil, cherry tomatoes and tomato paste to stir well. Remove from heat and add baby spinach.
5. Put penne in an oven safe container, add cooked ingredients and top with cheese. Place it in oven and bake for 10-12 minutes or until the surface is golden brown. Enjoy!


Recommendation of Soups for lactation-boosting in Chinese Medicine
Lactation-boosting foods chosen by registered Chinese medicine practitioner, such as peanut, chicken feet and papaya, can promote breast milk production. With foods help in replenishing Qi and nourishing the blood in the theory of Chinese medicine, such as dried octopus and pork knuckles, are good at keeping new mother healthy and encouraging the production of milk for the initiation of breast feeding.


Peanut with Black eyed bean and chicken feet soup
250g lean pork
10 chicken feet
30g Black eyed bean
30g peanut
1 dried tangerine Peel
3 honey dates

1.花生, 眉豆沖洗, 陳皮浸軟備用

1. Rinse the peanut and black eyed bean. Soak the dried tangerine peel to soften.
2. Blanch the lean pork and chicken feet in boiling water.
3. Put all the ingredients into a pot and pour in 12 bowls of water. Cook over high heat and bring to boil. Reduce heat to simmer for about 2hours. Sea on with salt and serve.

章魚木瓜豬手湯 Dried octopus with green papaya and pork knuckles Soup




1 dried octopus
1 green papaya
1 pork knuckles
2 slices of fresh ginger root

1. 木瓜洗淨,去皮切件備用
2. 章魚浸軟備用.
3. 豬手沖洗去毛汆水
4. 將全部材料落煲, 加12碗水, 大火滾起,轉中細火煲1.5小時, 最後下木瓜 煲半小時, 加入少量鹽即可


1. Rinse the green papaya and deseed. Cut into chunks.
2. Soak the dried octopus to soften.
3. Rinse the pork knuckles and remove hair. Blanch in boiling water.
4. Put all the ingredients into a pot and pour in 12 bowls of water. Cook over high heat and bring to boil. Reduce heat to simmer for about 1.5 hours. Put green papaya in and simmer for another 1/2 hr. Season with salt and serve.

每位媽媽在哺乳期間都有不同的疑難,屈臣氏健康團隊 – 註冊中醫師、營養師及藥劑師為大家提供專業的哺乳期間營養咨詢、健康諮詢服務及治療,全方位關懷守護你們的健康,日後將有更多實用健康貼士分享,請繼續留意我們,並隨時預約我們的健康團隊諮詢為健康增值。

The Best Support for Breastfeeding Mom
You may have many annoying problems about breastfeeding and pregnancy. Our Watsons Health Team including Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Dietitians and Pharmacists, are available for providing professional consultations and treatments to look after your health. We’d keep you updated, so please stay tuned and feel free to make a booking for our health service.

屈臣氏註冊營養師服務: https://www.watsons.com.hk/DietitiansService
屈臣氏註冊中醫師服務: https://www.watsons.com.hk/chinesemed
屈臣氏註冊藥劑師服務: https://www.watsons.com.hk/HEHAService


Registered Dietitians: https://www.watsons.com.hk/DietitiansService
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners: https://www.watsons.com.hk/chinesemed
Registered Pharmacists: https://www.watsons.com.hk/HEHAService

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Google Play: https://qrs.ly/c6a4vxd


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Google Play: https://qrs.ly/c6a4vxd


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