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尋找屈臣氏門市 Blog

Different job types pose different occupational disease or injury risks to workers. While everyone should always take preventive measures at work, most Hong Kong employees work long hours and are under high levels of job-related stress, hence may already be at higher risk of developing some occupational diseases or injuries. Some subtle symptoms and health signs shouldn’t be ignored as they may be indications for more serious health concerns than you could imagine. Let’s explore the causes of some common work-related diseases and injuries, as well as some prevention strategies recommended by our Registered Dietitians and Chinese Medicine Practitioners.

Common urban occupational disease: Stomachache

Stomach pain can be work-related too! A tight and stressful work schedule can lead to irregular meal times and a lack of physical activity, which are some risk factors of digestive health problems, will damage the spleen and stomach, cause diet stagnation, leading to stomachache.
The right thing to do is to improve eating habit. For example, maintain regular diet, avoid eating too much before bed, avoid eating too late, avoid drinking plenty of water before and after meals, and avoid eating irritating, processed or pickled food. Walking for 10 to 15 minutes after a meal can help to relieve stomachache or discomfort. If the stomach pain persists, you may make an appointment to a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner.

Common urban occupational disease: Low Back Pain

You might think work-related injury is merely exclusive to manual labourers. In fact, office workers can also easily suffer from lower back pain. Some common causes of lower back pain include: bending and twisting repetitively, lifting heavy objects with poor posture, back muscle weakness due to lack of exercise, prolonged sitting, abnormal postures leading to muscles stiffness or a herniated disk, and over strenuous exercise-related injury.
To improve lower back pain, it is important to maintain good posture, avoid prolonged sitting, get enough protein from diet and do muscle-strengthening exercises, such as weightlifting and yoga. Don’t forget to warm up properly before exercising to prevent injury. Our Registered Dietitians also recommend consuming at least 1000mg calcium daily to support bone health and to prevent pain from osteoporosis.

Common urban occupational disease: Emotional Distress

Mental health is very important and people always overlook the mental problem. Urbanites always suffer from work pressure, economy and life burden. They often need to face various mental pressures in a workplace with efficiency. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, long-term work stress, emotional stress will lead to qi stagnation of the liver, gas dysfunction, long-term stagnation, easy to make the mood irritate, affecting emotions.
Instead of being under pressure, it’s better to find a way to relieve yourself. Do some exercise to sweat, take a deep breath, both help to relax the mind and body. Talk to your family and friends at the right time, or seek professional advice. Also you may make an appointment to a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner to improve emotional distress.

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Our Watsons Health Team consisting of Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Dietitians and Pharmacists are available for providing professional consultations and treatments to look after your health. We’d keep you updated, so please stay tuned and feel free to make a booking for our health service.
Registered Dietitians: https://www.watsons.com.hk/DietitiansService
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners: https://www.watsons.com.hk/chinesemed
Registered Pharmacists: https://www.watsons.com.hk/HEHAService
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