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護肝達人會用的 2 種護肝補品 The 2 Miracle Liver Protective Supplements

香港人出名勤力,無論工作定娛樂,都會「Work Hard, Play Hard」。甚至有人放工,飲野,唱K,直落通頂,然後再返工。其實肝臟同你一樣忙碌,當你生活越忙碌,肝臟負荷就越大,自然需更多營養維持工作。今日就教你兩種護肝補品,令你無時無刻都精力充沛!

“Work hard, Play Hard” is the motto of Hong Kong people no matter at work or outside their working hours as they are very hard-working. Some people even go to work in the morning after their drink last night and overnight karaoke! Don’t forget your liver is also very busy particularly when your workload is getting higher. Therefore, it needs more nutrients to support its routine function. Today,
let’s explore two of the liver protective supplements and they will make your
feel energetic all day long!

1.    磷脂 Phospholipid


One of the core elements of liver protective supplement is phospholipid. Phospholipid is the main element of the cell wall and it plays an important role in the liver. In fact, the liver itself can produce phospholipids, but the process is quite complicated and requires a lot of energy. Therefore, in case of any problems during the process of production, phospholipids are greatly reduced, which in turn affects liver function.


To maintain normal liver function, you can take a liver supplement containing phospholipids. When the liver does not need to make all the phosphates themselves, the load can be reduced. For those who have liver disease, or who often drink alcohol, phospholipid can provide nutrients to the damaged liver cells, so that the liver cells can be repaired and the liver can return to the healthiest state.

2.    乳薊果 Milk Thistle

另一種護肝元素就係乳薊果。乳薊果係一種西方沿用已久嘅植物,常見於保護肝臟以及治療肝病的產品。巿面上嘅乳薊果產品,通常都含有由乳薊種子提取出嚟嘅有效成份 – 水飛薊。

Another kind of liver protective supplement is milk thistle. Milk Thistle has been used for a long time in the western countries and it is commonly seen in liver protection products. The milk thistles available in the market usually contain a generous active ingredient, silymarin, extracted from the milk thistle seed.


In addition to its anti-oxidant effect, milk thistle can fight off the free radicals that harm the liver, and it also has anti-inflammatory effect, stabilize cell membrane and increase protein synthesis. There have been many studies confirming that milk thistle has the effect of protecting the liver.


Watsons Pharmacy Team


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