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尋找屈臣氏門市 Blog

More About Gout Medications





痛風性關節炎,亦即「痛風」,常見於 40 歲以上男士。痛風主要原因與進食高「嘌呤」食物有關,例如動物內臟、貝殼類、海產及飲酒。「嘌呤」經過體內新陳代謝後會轉化為尿酸。


Gouty arthritis, also known as Gout, is commonly seen in middle-aged men over 40. The primary cause of gout is related to consuming food that contain high amount of ‘purine’ such as animal internal organs, shellfish, seafood and drinking alcohol. Uric acid is formed in purine metabolism.




When uric acid accumulates in the body, it may trigger gouty arthritis. Not only
your fingers and toes become painful, it can also cause joint deformation in severe cases and become chronic gouty arthritis. Medications for gout can be divided into acute treatment of gouty pain such as using anti-inflammatory drugs and chronic treatment to control uric acid level in the body.


Gouty attack




During the gouty attack, the purpose of treatment is to rapidly soothe the pain and eliminate swelling of the affected area, relieving the symptoms which might affect your daily life. The first-line medications are Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). They are commonly used in many pain disorders. However, patients with asthma, severe heart diseases, kidney diseases or peptic ulcer should seek medical advice before taking NSAIDs.




Another medication, Colchicine, is traditionally used to suppress the inflammation caused by gout. As it may cause severe diarrhea and vomiting in high dosage, it should only be taken under supervision of healthcare professionals. It should be stopped if diarrhea occurs.




The medication should be taken until the acute gouty attack ceased which usually takes one to two weeks. If the patient is not suitable for the above two medications and there are more than one affected joint, the patient might be prescribed with short-term oral steroid by doctor.


Long-term control


針對血液中尿酸濃度過高這問題,部分痛風發作頻密、出現「痛風石」(tophi)或尿酸尿石(uric acid urolithiasis)、腎功能欠佳或關節明顯受損病人會獲處方控制尿酸水平的藥物。這些藥物藉減少身體製造尿酸或增加尿酸的排泄以降低血液中的尿酸水平,常用的別嘌醇(Allopurinol)屬於前者。


Medications to lower uric acid level in blood might be prescribed to patients with recurrent gouty attack, tophi found around the joint or uric acid urolithiasis, poor kidney function or joint damaged. These medications work by reducing the production of uric acid in the body or increasing the excretion of uric acid out of the body. Allopurinol, which reduces the production of uric acid, is one of the most commonly prescribed medications.




The dosage should be individualized and adjusted according to patient’s uric acid level so as to achieve the target level. Some patients may experience more frequent gouty attack in the first few months of treatment. However, they should not stop taking the medications during the attack. Also, patients should drink plenty of water during the treatment to prevent the formation of kidney stone. If there are severe rash, patient should consult the doctor immediately.




Watsons Pharmacy Team


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