4 Ways to Get Rid of Constipation
Constipation is a common complaint in Hong Kong, with one-sixth of population having experienced the condition. Living in a fast-paced city, we are prone to unhealthy lifestyle, which plays a major role in causing constipation. If constipation is left untreated, it may lead to complications such as haemorrhoids and anal fissures. Here are 4 easy tips to prevent and relieve constipation!
1. 多食蔬果 More Fruits and Vegetables
Consuming sufficient amount of fibre rich foods, such as fruit and vegetables, can stimulate bowel movement, and further helps bowel output.
2. 多喝水 More Water
攝取足夠的水分可以使大便變得較軟 ,同時亦能幫助腸道蠕動,排便就自然會更順暢。
Drink adequate amount to water can help soften the stool and make it easier to pass.
3. 多做運動
Regular Exercise
Doing physical activities not only improve your cardiovascular function but is also a good way to prevent constipation by stimulating bowel movement.
4. 使用合適藥物輔助
Consider Appropriate Laxatives
If constipation cannot be resolved by lifestyle modification, laxatives may be considered. There are different types of laxatives available over the counter, such as glycerin suppositories which stimulate bowel movement, lactulose which softens stool, and fiber which increases the bulk of stool. As therapy with laxatives has to be individualised, please consult pharmacist for advice.
Watsons Pharmacy Team