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你的基因如何,你的日子也必如何?(乳癌篇) Your Gene, Your Fate? (Breast Cancer)





Genes dominate our lives, making everyone unique. Genes control different physiological characteristics and functions. It is found that the risk of breast cancer is also related to genes.

乳癌係本港女性最常見嘅癌症,堪稱女士嘅噩夢。資料顯示,單單喺 2016 年,就有 4108 宗新症。而平均發病中位數為 56 歲,相當年輕。隨著大眾對乳癌嘅認識加深,大部分新症於確診時屬於早期,相對地較易處理。醫生能夠因應各種因素,為患者提供不同治療方案。可惜,仍然有唔少人確診時已經發展至第三、四期,錯過治療乳癌嘅好時機,亦限制咗治療方案。

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in female population in Hong Kong. In 2016, there were 4108 new cases. The median age of onset was 56 years old. With deepened understanding and awareness of breast cancer, most of the new cases were still at early stages upon diagnosis, allowing doctors to provide patients with different treatment options. However, there are still a number of people who have breast cancer developed into stage 3 or 4 at the time of diagnosis. Consequently, the best time for treatment is missed and treatment plans are also limited.

研究發現,BRCA 基因突變同乳癌有密切關係。雖然 BRCA1 或 BRCA2 基因突變只會出現喺少於 1% 嘅人身上,但就會大大增加日後患上乳癌嘅風險。根據臨床研究,帶有 BRCA1 或 BRCA2 嘅女士,有高達 70% 嘅人會係 80 歲之前患上乳癌。因此,愈早知道自己有無 BRCA 基因突變,就可以愈早為自己嘅健康打算,作出相關嘅預防措施。

Studies found that the risk of breast cancer is closely related to the mutation of the gene BRCA. Although BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations only occur in less than 1% of the population, they will greatly increase the risk of breast cancer in the future. According to clinical studies, up to 70% of women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations will develop breast cancer before the age of 80. Therefore, the sooner you know whether you have a BRCA mutation, the earlier you can carry out your own preventive measures.


To understand whether you have any genetic mutation, genetic testing can help. It only requires salivary samples to produce hundreds of test results. Although genes are inborn and no one can change the test results, the risk of breast cancers can still be lowered in certain ways.

  • 第一,多做運動,每星期做超過 150 分鐘中等強度嘅帶氧運動。
  • First, do more exercises. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise of more than 150 minutes a week can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.
  • 第二,維持合適體重,將身高體重指數,亦即係BMI,維持喺 18.5 至 22.9 之間及腰圍少於 32 寸。
  • Second, maintain a proper weight. The body mass index, BMI in short, should be maintained between 18.5 and 22.9 and waist circumference less than 32 inches.
  • 第三,提早計劃生育,避免高齡懷孕,有助減低乳癌風險。
  • Third, early family planning, to avoid late pregnancy, can also help reduce the risk of breast cancer.


Genes are inborn, and no one can change it. However, our fate is always in our hands. Through genetic testing, we can understand our body and proactively establish a personalized approach to health care. No matter what
your genes are, you are still able to change your days!




你的基因如何,你的日子也必如何?(慢性疾病篇) Your Gene, Your Fate? (Chronic Disease)

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