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甚麼是「飛蚊症」?What is “Eye Floaters”?




“Eye floaters” is a natural aging process. As we age, our “vitreous”, a gel-like substance filling in our eyes, becomes more liquified and forms clumps, which cast shadow on the retina. These shadows we see are called “floaters”.

「飛蚊症」多見於 40 歲以上人士、高度近視眼患者、動過白內障手術者,以及患有眼部病變如眼內發炎或視網膜血管病變者。很多「飛蚊症」長時間存在,終年不變,且不影響視力。如果經過檢查也沒有眼部器病變,臨床上其實沒有多大重要性,不必顧慮。

“Floaters” are common in people over 40, those very near-sighted, patients who have had a cataract operation and people who suffer from certain eye inflammation or vascular diseases. Many “floaters” exist for a long time, remaining the same without impairing the vision. It indeed does not raise clinical concern if you got normal results in eye examination.



The symptoms of floaters are often called “flying bugs”, which are described as black spots moving as your eyes move. The shape of spots can be round, oval, dots or strands. It is more noticeable when watching bright backgrounds such as a blue sky and white walls. “Floaters” are harmless in most cases.


However, it is important to be aware of the warning signs, especially they start suddenly, with only one eye being involved, spots moving in different directions, black shades blocking your vision, flash of light in the eye or worsening eyesight. These may indicate severe eye complications like detached retina. If you notice the above symptoms, seek help from ophthalmologist immediately.

治療方法 Treatments


If the floaters are simply annoying, no treatment is recommended. However, on rare occasions, floaters can be so numerous that greatly interfere with the vision. A surgical operation called vitrectomy, might be needed. It replaces vitreous with a salt solution to help remove the floaters. Another treatment is called vitreolysis, which utilizes special lasers to breakdown the floaters inside the vitreous. As both treatments have their own risks, please consult your ophthalmologist for the best treatment of your condition.


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