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5 招助你輕鬆面對糖尿病  5 Tips on Diabetic Care




糖尿病在香港十分普遍,本港患者約有 70 萬人。有研究指出,除了遺傳因素外,不良飲食習慣及缺乏運動亦會增加患病機會。今日為大家簡介糖尿病護理 5 招,即使患上糖尿病,亦可從容面對,享受愉快的人生!


Diabetes is very common in Hong Kong and there are about 700,000 patients in Hong Kong. According to some researches, apart from genetic factor, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise also increase the risk of having diabetes. Here are 5 tips on diabetic care so that even if you are diabetics, you can still enjoy your life and live well!


1. 飲食控制
Diet Control




Diet for diabetic patient is generally the same as other healthy people: high-fiber, low-sugar, low-salt, low-fat and low cholesterol. It is best to eat less but eat more frequent. It means that it is best to divide your meal in 4 to 5 times a day instead of 3 and eat less for each meal. If you want to have more sweet taste in your meal, you can choose to use sweetener instead of sugar.


2. 多做運動
More Exercise




Hong Kong people are too busy to do exercise. Indeed, as simple as a quick walk for 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a day can help control your weight and decrease insulin resistance.


3. 藥物治療
Medication Treatment




If you are prescribed with medications by doctor, make sure to comply with the instruction. Though medications can control the blood sugar level, make sure you also have good diet and exercise habit at the same time. Moreover, you are advised to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level) caused by the medications and learn how to handle them.


4. 定時覆診
Routine Check-Up




It is very important to have routine medical check-up. Not only it can let healthcare professionals to check your blood sugar level, but also it helps adjust your medication treatment based on the result. Patients will also be examined for any complications, such as vision, blood pressure, cholesterol, kidney function and foot examination. Therefore, do not purchase any medication by yourself and ignore the importance of regular check-up!


5. 自我檢查




In addition to self-examination of foot, patient should also check the blood sugar level regularly using blood glucose meter. It allows healthcare professionals to assess the progression based on the data. Moreover, it helps patient to understand how diet and exercise could affect blood sugar level so that patient can adjust the diet accordingly. Of course, self-monitoring of blood sugar level is also an important tool to monitor hypoglycemia
(low blood sugar level).




Watsons Pharmacy Team


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