萬能「消炎藥」? The Almighty Anti-Inflammatory Drugs?
“Hello pharmacist. I think I have got some inflammation. Can I have some anti-inflammatory drugs?”
Everybody should have heard of, or even taken “Anti-Inflammatory Drugs” before. But do you know exactly what drug are you taking? Can these drugs be taken in any situation? Let’s have a brief discussion here! There are mainly 4 classes of drugs which are generally called “Anti-Inflammatory Drugs”:
1. 非類固醇消炎止痛藥
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs are indicated for pain associated with inflammation. However, they do not help speed up recovery by its anti-inflammatory nature.
2. 消炎消腫酵素
Lysozyme is extracted from egg and an anti-inflammatory enzyme for relieving symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) such as sore throat.
3. 抗生素
Strictly speaking, antibiotics do not equal “anti-inflammatory drugs” as they do not possess anti-inflammatory effect on its own. Instead, they work by killing the bacteria which cause inflammation. It is important to note that if you are not getting bacterial infection, for example viral infection like influenza, antibiotics will not help with your condition.
4. 類固醇
Steroids are prescribed to reduce and prevent inflammation. However, there are a number of special precautions when taking steroids. Taking steroids without consulting healthcare professionals can make your condition even worse.
If you have questions about the above medications and don’t know which one suits
you the most, please feel free to consult your pharmacist!
Watsons Pharmacy Team